Being Brown in the USA – Series Intro
Or whatever my skin tone is , according to Sephora 😅
I entered San Fransisco International Airport on the 12th of November, 2016. Immediately I felt the difference!
Yes, the shade is definitely lighter, duh! But something else … There was a lot more space… Sure, I was in the 3rd largest country in the world, but not exactly what I am talking about, here.
Every person free in their own space… For all I care, I could have been in a bikini, arriving at the international airport and everyone would still be minding their own business ; unless of course, I were a superstar and expecting paparazzi. Coming from a place where a cow was safer than a woman (rules changed now and am thankfully happy for that), I immediately fell in love with this fact! I mean, I had days when I regretted wearing a pair of skinny jeans or a sleeveless top…
People are so very courteous! There will be a stranger wishing me to have a great day or a good morning, a hello, a great meeting you, an excuse me, an I am so sorry, a thank you and all sorts of things a person can say to make you feel good! Do they really mean it, I don’t know. I mean you have a good hair day or a nice dress on and some one walks by you, immediately notices that and they will humbly say “wow, you’ve got nice hair” or “that’s a great dress” or “you look beautiful”.. In my country, what I have gotten so far from strangers is either abnormal gawking or pervert comments or ass grabbing… Yeah! Immediately ruins the day, doesn’t it? Believe You, Me – I am not saying that there are no perverts in the USA; maybe since the population density is lesser, the chances of me encountering one is also less. Thank God for that!
I love my country – the people, the cultures, the festivals, the craziness, the food, the places, the life… everything ; I am proud of many things back there and misses the place mostly – except for being introduced to a pervert every 5 mins as soon as I am out of my house!
The intimidating experience you get to have here though, is this new found respect for all kinds of work – yes, in what ever you do! How much easier is it to have lesser people to convince that you can do it ? To have no such hoax spreading that if it’s a female doing it, no good will ever come out of it. Not intending to say that this is heaven for women; just that there is a lot more space for improvement than I ever could’ve dreamt of back when I was a kid. What I meant was that I have actually heard of moms joining Med-Schools even at the age of 40 and then becoming a doctor!
I feel that it’s a little different now. No, the people behave (or pretend to behave) the same way, but just that I don’t reciprocate the emotions… It’s just summing up to a big sad mess, this non immigrant fights and all happening around. Only if there were better solutions to the problems ! Damn, the world would have been so much better if there were less boundaries and more harmonies… Anyways…. this series won’t be as dull as this last paragraph is..
So here I am promising , to share with you, my thoughts on being in the USA – the privileges, the hurdles, the freedom , the restrictions – while I can.
Don’t forget to type in your comments below to let me know what you wanna read about

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Andrea Antony
Hey I guess you know me from your cousin 🙂 I have a great passion for writing and writers and i myself have indulged in the thought process of making a personal blog for a zillion times. But I was facinated by the humbleness in your words. It really is Raw and Honest. I ll completely agree with you about the way our country views a women. Keep going cheechi.
P.S You’ve earned yourself a enthusiastic reader !
Hi Rea! Yes I know You! Loved your response on my post! Hoping to write more and impress you! And don’t hold off on that writing.. Keep it going ❤️